Athletic trainers (ATs) are highly qualified, multi-skilled health care professionals who render care or treatment, under the direction of, or in collaboration with a physician, in accordance with their education, training and the state's statutes, rules and regulations. As a member of the essential health care team, services provided by ATs include primary care, injury and illness prevention, wellness promotion and education, emergent care, examination and clinical diagnosis, therapeutic intervention and rehabilitation of injuries and medical conditions and primary triage plus management of mental health issues. In the intercollegiate setting, the ATs assigned to athletic teams (patient populations) often become part of the fabric of the team dynamic. The ATs are often present at practices, competitions, road trips, team meals and other team activities. As a result of these frequent interactions ATs develop deeply unique and profound relationships with the student athletes, coaches, sports administrators and other team support staff, Hayzack Sports recognize this and our trainers make every effort to be team players.